Fucus Serratus (Linnaeus)

Dichotmously branched fronds arising from a small disc via a short stipe; distinct midrib. Plants to 300 mm with terminal, compressed receptacles with warty conceptacles. This is the "Serrated wrack" of the lower shore in the north-eastern Atlantic. It is easily recognised by its saw-toothed frond, and the lack of swollen receptacles.

Zone forming on sheltered and semi-exposed shores from about MTL down to about MLWN where it meets the kelp zone.

Widely distributed on all coasts of Britain and Ireland. Spain north to Spitsbergen.

Fucus serratus is used in Ireland and France for the production of seaweed extracts for cosmetics, and for seaweed baths.

Similar species:
Fucus vesiculosus generally has paired vesicles and does not have a saw-toothed edge; Fucus spiralis has inflated terminal receptacles with a sterile rim.